+64-9-443-8199        info@eventfindastadium.co.nz          Argus Place, Glenfield, Auckland

Digital Seniors Tech Expo

Nov 10 2024

Come along to explore ways that technology can help you to enjoy a vibrant and empowered retirement. The Digital Seniors Tech Expo is your one stop shop for everything you need to live an empowered retirement with technology!

Designed with seniors, for seniors, the expo is a fun-filled event where you can try out the latest and best in products designed to support you to live an active, healthy and connected lifestyle.

Hear talks from experts, tick things off your to do list and come and have a great time. There’s plenty of seating and food options and free parking too. Entry is free so bring a friend or the whole family and enjoy a fun day out! You don’t need to be a senior to attend. There are innovations that will appeal to all ages.